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The Executive Council of the University of Calgary Model United Nations Team (UCMUNT) were sworn in on 1 May 2022. They shall oversee the Team for the 2022-23 year.  
 executive council 2022-23 
Liyan Alkawafhah

The President shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the team such as: presiding over all meetings of the Executive Council, present an annual report to the General Assembly on team business, serve as the official spokesperson of the team, decide the membership of prospective members, provide consent for all team decisions, and maintaining team documents. 

– Articles 13.1 to 13.9, UCMUNT Constitution

Braedon Peake-MacAlister

The Vice-President shall be responsible for the internal health and academic integrity of the team while fulfilling the duties of the President if authorised. The Vice-President shall also be responsible for taking meeting notes for all meetings of the Executive Council and the General Assembly.

– Articles 14.1 to 14.4, UCMUNT Constitution

Justin Gotta

The Finance Officer shall be responsible for keeping accurate and accountable records of team finances, preparing all financial proposals and funding requests, and collecting finances for the team. The Finance Officer shall provide regular reports on team finances to the Executive Council, which can be made available to team members upon request.

– Articles 15.1 and 15.9, UCMUNT Constitution

Mihret Yirgeta

The Logistics Officer will be responsible for liaising on behalf of UCMUNT between other campus clubs, and the greater campus community to facilitate in the execution of cross-organization collaboration events. The Logistics Officer will work alongside the President and Executive Vice-President when communicating with members of the Faculty of Arts and higher
University of Calgary bodies-if so required.
– Article 18.2, UCMUNT Constitution

Wajih Ahmed
 events and training 

The Events and Training Officer shall be responsible for the organisation, coordination, and execution of all events, training and conferences as well as maintain a high standard of skills, competence, and competitiveness of all team members.

– Articles 16.1 and 16.3, UCMUNT Constitution


The Communications Officer shall be responsible for team communications, maintaining the team's social media presence, promoting team affairs and achievements, and upholding correspondences of the team with external sources.

– Articles 17.1 to 17.3, UCMUNT Constitution





Learn the ropes of the Executive!

Want to gain new experience? Want to take on a greater role in UCMUNT? The Executive Council is searching for Junior Executives for the 2022-23 year. Junior Executives receive one-on-one training by current executives, attend SU workshops, and hopefully become invested in the team to potentially become executives themselves in the following year!

Every April, the voting members of the UCMUNT General Assembly convene at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to vote on the elected offices of the Executive Council for the following year. 
The elected offices of the Executive Council are: President, Vice-President, Finance Officer, Events and Training Officer, and Communications Officer. They are chosen by the voting Assembly members of the AGM by simple majority. 
The first task of the newly elected Executive Council shall be to elect members to the appointed offices, which are decided by simple majority. 
One or two former executive members may be appointed for Senior Advisor positions by simple majority by the outgoing Executive Council. 
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© 2021 University of Calgary Model United Nations

Social Science, Room 817

618 Campus Place NW

Calgary, AB

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